Tuesday, June 14, 2011



Isla Las Aves Venezuela

The islands of Las Aves are located thirty miles west of Los Roques, forty miles east of Bonaire, and are some ninety miles from La Guaire.
The islands does not have an airstrip, which means that you will have to hire a sailboat that takes around ten hours to reach the islands from La Guaire or Carenero Higarote.
The region is home to two big islands namely Aves de Barlovento and Aves de Sotavento and sixteen other smaller islands. Together they cover an area of about 355 square miles.

You can engage in a number of activities such as kiting, sailing, diving, swimming, fishing or just relax in complete solitude of the deserted islands.
The island of Aves Barlovento is popular as a bird sanctuary, where you can watch different species of sea birds passing through the canals or flying between the mangroves that grow to a height of 20 meters. The island of Aves Sotavento is famous for its wrecks as a number of shipwrecks, both ancient and modern are scattered along the barrier reef.
 And Is windy from December to August .


Thursday, June 2, 2011


Bonaire is a Caribbean island east of Central America and north of Venezuela.
Location: 12°10' N 68°17' W
The island is part of the ABC Islands together with Aruba and Curaçao.
It is a flat, riverless island renowned for its dive spots. the water is so clear  that you can see 60 ft + under the water.
 Its tropical climate is moderated by constant trade winds from the Atlantic Ocean.
 Wind, water, sand and sun are  ideal for kiteboarding, sailing and land sailing.

The temperature is almost constant at about 27 degrees Celsius (81 degrees Fahrenheit).Bonaire is a relatively flat island
Klein Bonaire, the small island in the sheltered lee of the Bonaire (see map above) the island is undeveloped,
Bonaire’s cool Caribbean trade winds provide the right environment for kiteboarding almost 365 days a year.

The kiteboarding area is located on the south-west tip of Bonaire and can be found by following the brightly colored kites soaring through the air.
Also  other kite spot is the island Klein Bonaire. withe sand and warm water.
what else to do in the island:    Scuba Diving, Snorkeling, Fishing, Windsurfing, Kiteboarding, Sea Kayaking & Sailing

Bonaire has been recognized as one of the best places in the world to windsurf for novice through professional levels.
Additionally, Bonaire’s champions continue to rank high in world competitions.
Sorobon’s combination of continual winds, weather, sunshine and warm shallow waters make for the most idyllic of windsurfing conditions.

Bonaire is often called a divers paradise.
The island is especially known for its 53 easily accessible shore dive sites.
Bonaire has 86 official dive sites. Most are marked by yellow stones.
All users of the Bonairian waters are required to purchase a nature tag. This tag is $ 25,- for divers and $ 10,- for all other users.
 That way you'll contribute to the preservation of the Bonaire Marine Park.

Some fish found throughout Bonaire’s waters include colorful Parrot Fish of all varieties, Blue and Rainbow included.
 Friendly Angel Fish, feisty Sergeant Majors, and beautiful Butterfly Fish dot the reef.  Scrawled File Fish swim by sporting electric blue stripes.
Grunts, Gobies and Groupers. Delight in schools of Blue Tangs and Jacks.  Camouflaging Frog Fish blend in so well, but are certainly present.
In addition, keep an eye out for Sea Turtles, Eagle Rays and Sea Cucumbers.
Get lucky and see a Whale Shark, Dolphin Pod or Manta Ray.  There is an abundance of life in the Caribbean Sea.
 Bonaire’s waters have so much to explore!

Bonaire has a narrow fringing reef, starting practically at the shoreline, that extends to a maximum of 1000 feet (300m) offshore.

There are four languages spoken on Bonaire today.
While Dutch is the official one used in government and legal transactions, Papiamentu is used in daily exchanges and has wide acceptance.
English and Spanish are also common.